Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Addressing Fatty Liver and Metabolic Health Issues

Dominic D’Agostino is a University of South Florida professor who does research in areas such as ketone ester and supplementation technologies and muscle development. One topic featured on Dominic D’Agostino’s site,, centers on fatty liver and metabolic health.

A vital metabolic organ, the liver is tasked with receiving and processing blood as it exits the stomach and intestines. This enables drugs and alcohol to be broken down into easily used forms. The liver also removes excess glucose from the circulatory system, storing it as glycogen, which is an energy storage unit. Additionally, the liver ensures that the blood has proper levels of amino acids and removes unwanted toxins, excreting bile.

Fatty liver occurs when excess fat builds up within the liver, which impairs the organ’s function. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) can involve inflammation that results in fibrosis, or scarring, and makes it more likely to develop liver cancer. Impacting a third of adults across the United States, NAFLD often occurs after the liver develops selective insulin resistance, with glucose lingering in the blood stream rather than being processed and triggering the liver to produce fat.

Reducing the buildup of fat in the liver is possible through a combination of exercise and a high-protein, low-carb diet. A low-carb, ketogenic diet has been shown to be effective in shifting liver fat metabolism in a positive manner, as well as improving gut microbiota and boosting levels of circulating folate, the latter of which powers beneficial forms of metabolism and gene expression within the liver.

In addition, a reduction of triglycerides and cholesterol intake can have a beneficial effect on one’s health. For those with elevated liver enzymes (revealed in blood tests), alcohol and fructose intake should be moderated. In addition, exogenous ketone supplements should be considered. Because there are no FDA-approved therapies for NAFLD, these steps are vital in addressing the serious issue of fatty liver, which can result in both cardiovascular and liver failure.

For more information, please visit

Friday, March 31, 2023

The Cognitive Importance of Ketone Bodies

 Dominic D’Agostino is a renowned researcher with a keen interest in conducting ketone research, particularly on keto nutrition, ketone supplementation, and ketone ester. Also, in the course of his career, Dom D’Agostino has co-hosted several conferences on ketone bodies, ketone technologies and various other metabolic-based therapies centered around keto-nutrition.

Our cognitive capacity and resilience are important for not only daily consciousness and self-independence, but also relationships and brain health optimization. Cognitive skills are developed in early infancy as a component of maturing neurodevelopmental processes. Regrettably, retrograde alterations can happen during physiological aging. Various nutritional and dietary strategies provide viable cures for cognitive decline and preservation of cognitive capacity.

Following ketone production in the liver, or via ketone supplementation (e.g. KetoStart), peripheral tissues receive ketones for fuel and metabolic-associated signaling. The body typically employs ketones as an alternative fuel source, usually when glucose is scarce. With various techniques that partially imitate hunger and carbohydrate depletion, ketones can be purposefully elevated in the blood and biologically produced to boost physiological levels that can further enhance brain energy metabolism.

Consequently, ketone bodies support cognitive functions by contributing to the brain's bioenergetic capacity, and through signaling roles associated with suppression of neuroinflammation. Since metabolic bioenergy is one of the targets of drug models intended to treat cognitive diseases, the importance of ketone bodies to the brain cannot be over-emphasized.

Although glucose is the primary biofuel source that the body produces, aging cells or disease may impair the breakdown of glucose in the brain. Ketone bodies can effectively provide the fuel that might supplement the defective glycolytic metabolism, which consequently improves cognitive health and stops disease progression.

According to in vitro studies, ketones actively guard neurons against hypoglycemia-induced mortality and various environmental toxins too. This effect is possibly caused by both an increase in mitochondrial ATP production and a decrease in ROS production. The ketone body beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) can replace glucose in hypoglycemia situations, retaining metabolic activity, avoiding peroxidation, and impairing neuronal death. This has been demonstrated in both in vivo and in vitro research. This defense may be linked to the impact that ketone-induced autophagy has on cells and is one of the key features associated with the many cellular and molecular protective roles that nutritional or supplemental ketosis has on people using this longevity strategy. For more information on this topic and more see website.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Getting Enough Omega-3 Fatty Acids on a Keto Diet

 Teaching at the University of South Florida, Dominic D’Agostino has a research focus on ketone supplementation and ketone ester, and the effect of a ketogenic diet on metabolism and muscle growth. One area that Dominic D’Agostino explored in a KetoNutrition article is how a keto diet affects one’s omega-3 fatty acid intake.

As a meat eater following a keto diet, the arithmetic is relatively simple: two or three servings of fatty fish each week should fulfill one’s docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) requirements. Both DHA and EPA are omega-3s that have been linked to a variety of positive health outcomes.

As a vegan, obtaining omega-3s is more challenging. Those who make the effort to eat walnuts, flax seeds, and chia on a regular basis may feel that that they have all the bases covered. Unfortunately, these foods are only rich in the omega-3 fatty acid alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which is a precursor to the even more vital DHA and EPA. While there is a slow enzymatic process by which the body does complete the conversion to the desirable omega-3, it would take large quantities of such foods to produce a sufficient quantity.

One plant-based solution is to eat microalgae in an accessible form such as the spirulina tablet ENERGYbits. Similar microalgae are consumed by fish such as sardines and salmon, who then store the DHA and EPA as fat. For more in depth discussion abotu this topic and other topics related to ketogenic nutrition be sure to check out website and blog.

Monday, January 16, 2023

A Plant-Based Pathway for a Ketogenic Diet

 Dominic D’Agostino is a University of South Florida associate professor who undertakes clinical research in areas such as ketone ester and supplementation, and muscle performance. One of Dominic D’Agostino’s areas of expertise is a plant-based approach to a ketogenic diet, which is detailed on the KetoNutrition website.

While most people associate a keto lifestyle with abundant meat consumption, this is not necessarily the case. The classic strict 4:1 ketogenic diet has caloric intake of 90 percent fat, 6 to 10 percent protein, and 2 to 4 percent carbs. This makes significant vegetable consumption a challenge. However, today’s modified versions of the keto diet are more lenient, with 65 to 85 percent of daily calories derived from fat, 15 to 35 percent from protein, and as much as 10 percent from carbs.

A sustainable vegan keto diet is possible with this configuration. It starts with removing or severely limiting all legumes, grains, and fruit. Without the fat that meat and dairy provide, make healthy oils such as those from coconut, walnut, and avocado an integral part of your daily diet. At the same time, remove all root vegetables from the diet, such as beets or potatoes, as they are not fibrous and are typically high in carbohydrates. Once an ideal diet is in place, carefully track the macronutrient ratios (not calories) required for sustaining nutritional ketosis.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

How Ketone Bodies Fuel Muscle Adaptation

 Instructing at the University of South Florida, Dominic D’Agostino is a professor who pursues basic science research and clinical applications of ketone ester supplementation, ketone salts and related ketone technologies. A particular area of interest for Dominic D’Agostino is muscle function and its pivotal role in augmenting performance and overall metabolic health. When a body goes into ketogenesis under carb-restricted dietary conditions, ketone bodies such as beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), acetoacetate (AcAc), and acetone are generated by the liver and provide a energetic reserve and important tissue signaling functions.

During exercise, the muscles no longer primarily rely on glycogen (high intensity workout) or lipids and muscle protein amino acids (low intensity workout) for generating the fuel adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Rather, ketone bodies are gradually employed by working muscles as fuel, with the capacity to oxidize the ketone bodies for energy increasing as muscle is trained. Part of being in a keto-adapted state is the increases levels of ketogenesis, ketone transport and tissue ketone utilization (ketolysis).

Beyond this muscle-fueling purpose, ketone bodies serve as signaling molecules for regulating the body’s gene expression and adaptive responses to energetic stress and exercise intervention. One study demonstrated that ketone BHB offers a shield against oxidative stress. It prevents the accumulation of intramuscular fat and decreases muscle wasting, while boosting oxidative metabolism as one ages. In tandem with this, BHB was shown to upregulate the genes associated with muscle atrophy and reduce anabolic gene expression. In this context the elevation of ketones helps to spare energy reserves. Ultimately, it is shown that the ketogenic diet has different effects on skeletal muscle that are partially explained by muscle fiber type, while the ketogenic diet can lead to a change in the fiber type ratio in the muscle itself. While currently the data is contradictory on the ketogenic diet’s benefits and adverse effects on muscle tissue, there is still room for discovery to be made in how the ketogenic diet impacts muscle metabolism in states outside of prolonged fasting and starvation. Based upon what we know about the anti-catabolic effects of ketones, and their multifunctional role during starvation, the benefits of being in ketosis appear to have the greatest effect during metabolic stress associated with disease states and exercise-induced stress. In this context the ketone-induced effects are protective and may confer a longevity advantage when it comes to longevity and long term preservation of muscle structure and function.